Wednesday 28 April 2021

Writing a review

 In my review, I'm going to compare 3 console games, Fortnite, Fifa amd Minecraft. Fortnite is a game to kill people and survivle in an island. You can custonize your avatar. You can play online ang whit friends. Fifa ia a football game. You can choose a football team. You can play online and with friends. This game is extremely expensive. Minecraft is a game to buy a house and have animals. It is nolt very interesting.

In my opinion, Fortinte is more interesting than Minecraft but Fifa is the most interesting of all. Fifa is the most interesting but it is extremely expensive. Minecraft is not very expensive, but is very boreing.

In conclucion., Fortnite is the best. I'm giving it 4 stars. Fifais the most interesting but it is very expensive. I'm giving it 3 stars. Minecraft is the oldest and it is not vey funny I'm giving it 1 star.